Desert Scene

About this project

This project is about creating an immersive environment. The goal of this project was to create a stylized landscape.

Everything in this project has been made by myself, from the 3D models to the textures, the animations, the shaders, the particles, the post-process, the documentation, etc. The only things I took from internet are the sound, they come from

When doing this project I didn't really had a lot of experience in 3D design this is why I went for this. I wanted to be able when I develop my own game to be able to create my own assets, my own world without taking every asset from internet.

I am really proud of the final result and the skills I was able to acquire. I had less than 1 month of training on maya and substance painter and I think the final scene is really immersive which is the main goal of this project.



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This project was really challenging, since I am only a programmer I had to learn a lot of new things to be able to do this project. I had to learn how to use maya, substance painter, etc. I also had to learn how to create a 3D model, how to texture it, how to animate it, how to create a shader, how to create a particle system, how to create a post-process, etc.

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